
Overview of AI

An overview of AI and how it refers to several different techniques and how complex these techniques are in the grand scheme of things.

1.0 What is Artificial Intelligence

The scope of Artificial intelligence(AI) can broadly be defined in the following categories:

  • Weak AI
  • General AI
  • Strong AI

1.1 Weak AI

Weak AI aims to solve very narrow tasks and is non-sentient, an agent that is capable of creating rules from existing data to reach a predetermined goal. Most Machine Learning tasks fit this category.

1.2 General AI

This aims to perform the full range of intellectual tasks the same way a human can. Some learning techniques such as Reinforcement learning are making progress in this category.

1.3 Strong AI

Strong AI aims to capture the idiosyncratic nature of human intelligence which encapsulates consciousness and sentience. It aims to be greater than human intelligence. Current techniques are yet to come close to this.

2.0 AI Techniques

Different AI Techniques can broadly fit in the above categories, this is how I see the techniques categorised:

AI Overview  The different Artificial Intelligence techniques and how they fit in to that definition

3.0 Real World

This is a high level overview of AI as we see it today, it is one of the most fascinating and far reaching fields to work in today. I plan on writing more on weak AI, specifically Machine Learning it's a very broad field and expanding every day. I'd also like to explore Reinforcement Learning, it's given us an interesting framework for the creation of General AI. However, there are still reservations whether this is the best way forward.

Deep Learning Reservations